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Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy ; 44(Supplement 2):S503-S504, 2022.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-2179177


Objetivos: Descricao de dois casos de Sindrome de Guillain-Barre (SGB) possivelmente relacionados ao SARS-CoV-2. Materiais e metodos: Avaliacao dos achados clinicos e laboratoriais em pacientes que evoluiram com a SGB apos a infeccao por SARS-CoV-2. Resultados: 1degree. Homem de 56 anos, com lupus eritematoso sistemico e insuficiencia renal cronica, apresentou PCR nasofaringeo positivo para Covid-19, em 7 de setembro de 2021. Evoluiu com insuficiencia respiratoria 10 dias apos a admissao no hospital, porem com evolucao progressive, comprometimento neurologico, com parestesia dos pes/maos e abolicao dos reflexos tendinosos. O liquido cefalorraquidiano deste paciente demonstrou dissociacao albumino-citologica e o padrao eletrofisiologico foi compativel com doenca desmielinizante. O paciente nao apresentou melhora apos tratamento com esteroides e imunoglobulina intravenosa, e vinte dias apos seus primeiros sintomas neurologicos, iniciamos o tratamento com 5 plasmaferese terapetica (PFT), 1 procedimento/dia, com troca de uma volemia plasmatica. Apos 3 sessoes de PFT, houve melhora clinica significativa, inclusive no exame neurologico do paciente. 2degree. Mulher de 22 anos, previamente higida, apresentou infeccao respiratoria superior e PCR nasofaringeo positivo para Covid-19, em 10 de janeiro de 2022. Apos 3 dias do diagnostico, esta paciente apresentou parestesia ascendente progressiva simetrica. A avaliacao eletrofisiologica comprovou uma polineuropatia desmielinizante segmentar e o exame do liquido cefalorraquidiano mostrou dissociacao albumin-citologica. O tratamento com pulsoterapia com corticoides e imunoglobulina endovenosa nao mostrou resultado satisfatorio nesta paciente, que evoluiu com caracteristicas autonomicas e insuficiencia respiratoria aguda. Portanto, foi necessario iniciarmos o protocolo institucional de PFT, 1x/dia, com troca de uma volemia plasmatica. Apos a quarta PFT, o exame clinico neurologico da paciente apresentou melhora significativa, podendo inclusive ser extubada. Finalizamos o tratamento com mais quatro PFTs adicionais ate alta hopsitalar da mesma para reabilitacao. Conclusao: A SGB e uma doenca paralitica flacida aguda com fraqueza progressiva simetrica e arreflexia, geralmente ocorre apos uma infeccao respiratoria ou gastrointestinal, com apresentacao variando entre 3 e 50 dias. O suposto mecanismo fisiopatologico e uma resposta autoimune aberrante que evoca uma reacao cruzada contra os antigenos dos nervos perifericos. Nesses dois casos acima, as caracteristicas epidemiologicas, clinicas e os achados laboratoriais sugerem que a infeccao por SARS-CoV-2 pode ser mais uma infeccao viral causadora de GBS. A resposta ao tratamento com TPE em ambos os pacientes foi positiva e gratificante. Copyright © 2022

Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy ; 44(Supplement 2):S378-S379, 2022.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-2179148


Introducao: Em 1996 o Hemocentro Regional de Uberaba (HRU)- Fundacao Hemominas (FH), realizou o primeiro evento do projeto "Doador de Sangue - um compromisso Social", vinculado ao projeto Doador do Futuro da FH, com objetivo de conscientizar criancas e adolescentes do ensino fundamental de Uberaba sobre o compromisso social da doacao de sangue. A acao consiste na conscientizacao dos alunos atraves de palestras e estimulo a confeccao de uma frase e um desenho sobre a tematica. Metodologia: O projeto inicia-se com um convite a todas as escolas publicas e particulares de Uberaba. Nos anos impares sao convidados os alunos do 1degreeao 4degreeano do ensino fundamental e nos pares os do 5degreeao 9degree. Na dinamica do concurso ocorre a sensibilizacao dos professores, que serao multiplicadores das informacoes, por uma oficina. Os temas abordados sao: o que e o sangue, importancia de ser um doador, condicoes para doar e fracionamento do sangue. O HRU fica a disposicao para que professores e alunos facam visitas ao local. Apos esta abordagem, os professores irao trabalhar com os alunos sobre a doacao de sangue, divulgar o concurso e incentiva-los a produzir um desenho e uma frase. As escolas fazem uma selecao inicial dos trabalhos e os enviam para o HRU. Uma comissao - constituida por membros do HRU, um doador de sangue, um jornalista, um representante da sociedade civil, um membro da secretaria estadual, um da municipal de educacao e outro da secretaria municipal de cultura - e formada para selecionar os tres melhores trabalhos, premiados com premios oferecidos pelo comercio local. O resultado do concurso e divulgado nos meios de comunicacao: radio, televisao e jornal, possibilitando uma maior visibilidade e incentivo a participacao dos alunos e escolas. Alem do premio, o melhor trabalho e estampado nas camisetas distribuidas na solenidade do Dia Nacional do Doador de Sangue (25 de novembro) e os alunos sao convidados a participar e receber a premiacao nesse dia. Resultado e discussao: O concurso foi promovido entre 1996 e 2019, sofrendo descontinuacao em 2020 e 2021, em decorrencia das restricoes sanitarias impostas pela pandemia do COVID e as dificuldades da sua realizacao online. Foram 10.606 trabalhos recebidos pelo HRU (media de 441 trabalhos/ano) e com a participacao media anual de 24 escolas, correspondendo a uma adesao de 55% das escolas convidadas. O impacto da conscientizacao dos alunos na doacao de sangue e de dificil mensuracao. Por ocorrer em diversas etapas, com diversos publicos (professores, familiares e comercio local) e em varios meios de comunicacao promovemos uma maior abrangencia da conscientizacao do tema. Se considerarmos que a fidelizacao do doador e um item que permite avaliar o nivel de conscientizacao da sociedade sobre o compromisso social da doacao de sangue, o indice de doador de retorno de 77,9% alcancado e mantido pelo HRU, bem acima da media nacional de 43,3% e da regiao sudeste de 38,5% segundo o 9degree Boletim de Producao Hemoterapica da ANVISA, e uma sinalizacao palpavel do reflexo positivo desta acao. Conclusao: O desenvolvimento do projeto "Doador de Sangue, um compromisso Social"voltado a criancas e jovens, constituiu-se importante ferramenta para a educacao da comunidade quanto ao compromisso social da doacao de sangue, contribuindo fortemente para a fidelizacao dos doadores e resultando em altos indices de doadores de retorno no HRU e, consequentemente, para reduzir o deficit de hemocomponentes e aumentar a seguranca transfusional. Copyright © 2022

American Journal of Translational Research ; 14(5):3525-3532, 2022.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-1955748


Objectives: To compare the number of deaths that occurred in the state of Amazonas and in Brazil, from March 16th to August 20th 2020, using the variables skin color, sex, place of death, age group and association with COVID-19, and secondly, to verify whether between 2019 and 2020, in the period from March 16th to August 20th, there was a significant change in the number of deaths from diseases not associated with COVID-19. Methods: We searched the databases of the Brazilian public agency "Transparency Portal" for the data on deaths that occurred in the state of Amazonas and Brazil in the period from March 16th to August 20th, 2019 and 2020. The absolute frequencies and percentages of the variables studied were used for statistical analysis. Results: COVID-19 was responsible for an 11.01% increase in deaths in Brazil;however, this rate quadrupled in the state of Amazonas. In relation to age group, there was a similar percentage between Amazonas and the national average. The stratified analysis showed significant differences between genders and races, with higher death rates in men and people of brown/black skin. The number of deaths at home increased significantly, especially those from causes not associated with COVID-19. Conclusions: The national drop in deaths from diseases not associated with COVID between March and August 2020 in Brazil is misleading and may be due to the result of misreported causes of death.

Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy ; 43:S342, 2021.
Article in Portuguese | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-1859646


Considerando a situação da pandemia de COVID-19 que diminuiu significativamente o número de pessoas aptas a doar sangue e que as doenças do sangue, câncer, cirurgias e traumas continuam, o Programa de Extensão “Amizade Compatível - uma doação para a vida” manteve initerruptamente o seu objetivo em conscientizar a comunidade da importância do cadastro e doação de sangue (DS) e de medula óssea (MO). Dessa maneira, o objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar ações extensionistas de conscientização para doação de sangue e de medula óssea realizadas em período de interações sociais limitadas. Materiais e métodos: Foram promovidos por alunos extensionistas, pela plataforma Google Meet, dezenove encontros com a participação de universitários, pacientes e seus familiares, profissionais de saúde, membros de associações, atiradores do Tiro de Guerra (TG) do município de Uberaba e comunidade em geral, durante 15 meses, com os temas: Indicações de hemocomponentes, Tipos Sanguíneos, Quem precisa de sangue, Abordagem de Redes Sociais para incentivo a DS, Campanhas Universitárias para captação de DS com curso de Medicina, Odontologia e Direito, Leucemia Pediátrica e uso de hemocomponentes, Conscientização para DS e para o cadastro de MO, Comemoração do Dia Nacional do Doador de MO, Comemoração do Dia Estadual da Anemia Falciforme, Comemoração do Dia Mundial da Luta contra o Câncer, Comemoração do Dia Nacional e Internacional da Talassemia além de relatos de pacientes com doença falciforme, talassemia, leucemia mieloide aguda, familiares de paciente com leucemia linfóide aguda e com doador de medula óssea. O programa também realizou na Universidade e no Hospital Universitário a Campanha intitulada Junho Vermelho para incentivar o espírito solidário das pessoas para doação de sangue. A divulgação de todas as ações foi realizada pelas redes sociais do Programa de Extensão, da Universidade e de forma particular pelos incentivadores e parceiros do programa de extensão. Resultados: O total de participantes dos dezenove encontros foi de 1636 pessoas. Momentos de relato de pacientes e seus familiares sobre a doença, sobre a dependência de transfusões e sobre a busca do doador de MO foram os que mais sensibilizaram os participantes. As postagens da Campanha do Junho Vermelho contaram com 2951 interações. Discussão: Ações extensionistas realizadas de forma online constituíram uma maneira segura de conscientizar a população da importância da realização da DS e o cadastro para doação de MO, de proporcionar o contato de alunos/comunidade com pacientes e profissionais de saúde, além de trazer à tona a dificuldade de os hemocentros manterem seus estoques de sangue principalmente em período de pandemia. Conclusão: A partir de diferentes plataformas online é possível contactar com facilidade diferentes públicos e realizar ações extensionistas de conscientização para DS e MO, colocando não só o universitário, potencial doador, em contato com os necessitam diretamente da transfusão sanguínea, mas também a comunidade em geral.

Educacion Fisica Y Ciencia ; 23(4):10, 2021.
Article in Portuguese | Web of Science | ID: covidwho-1667937


Resistance training (RT) is an alternative exercise modality that can promote and preserve the physical health and independence of older people during the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this integrative review was to analyze the scientific production related to RT recommendations aiming at enhancing the functional performance and muscle function in older people during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sensitive searches were conducted in MEDLINE / PubMed, Embase, and Web of Science using the descriptors "coronavirus infection" and "resistance training". Articles published in English, Spanish, or Portuguese were considered without date restriction. Results: In the initial search, 139 articles were retrieved;13 were pre-selected and 7 were eligible considering the research question. The evidence presented suggests that home RT through bodyweight-based exercises represents an effective intervention strategy that positively impacts on the quality of life in older people.

Retratos de Assentamentos ; 24(1):92-108, 2021.
Article in Portuguese | CAB Abstracts | ID: covidwho-1574538


The Participatory Guarantee System (PGS) is an organic conformity assessment methodology based on the active participation of interested actors who organize themselves in a network. The Covid-19 pandemic imposed several restrictions on social interaction and, as a result, peer and verification visits, the main social control mechanism used by SPGs, were suspended in 2020. Aiming to maintain the dynamics of interaction and also contribute to reduce the impacts of social isolation on the lives of farmers, the PGS Organicos Jequitinhonha developed a method of remote visits. The objective of this work was to understand how this adaptation took place and what results were achieved. It is an action research, in which the authors actively participated in the implementation of the researched methodology. The researchers highlight as results the social control satisfactorily exercised in a remote system, greater interaction between families, learning in the use of digital technologies that were considered inaccessible by family farmers in Vale do Jequitinhonha.

2021 International Symposium of Asian Control Association on Intelligent Robotics and Industrial Automation, IRIA 2021 ; : 37-43, 2021.
Article in English | Scopus | ID: covidwho-1526323


The rise of COVID-19 and its numerous variants has shown its effect worldwide. The aftermath of which resulted in an abrupt stop in the global economy. The ultimate solution was to isolate and maintain proper sanitization protocols. However, the use of traditional alcohol-based sanitizer fails to disinfect daily use objects and medical instruments completely. In this paper we propose an effective method of disinfection using germicidal Ultraviolet-C (UV-C) tubes in coordination with a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) based system which tracks user's temperature and their credentials and stores it on an excel sheet. Our system facilitates 360-degree sanitization of objects placed inside it. The contactless temperature sensor along with the aid of the RFID-storage system assists in contact tracing. Experiments were conducted on two microorganisms which were kept inside the UVC device for 30 seconds which resulted in their inactivation. © 2021 IEEE.

Child Abuse Negl ; 130(Pt 1): 105345, 2022 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: covidwho-1458748


Families' health, safety, and economic stability were jeopardized during the pandemic. Parental stress is a risk factor for hostile and less supportive parenting. Parenting styles are a set of attitudes, feelings and behaviors related to parenting that modulate the child's psychosocial functioning and might impact on the adaptability to a stressful time. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the group differences among children raised by negative and positive parenting families during COVID-19 pandemic. METHODS: We have done an online survey with 329 parents. Parents answer about parenting strategies and styles, children's behavior, Covid related questions, socio-economic information, sleep and gaming disorders. RESULTS: Parents' frequent use of negative strategies were a risk factor to have a negative outcome related to mental health, games, sleep, and children behavior. DISCUSSION: Parenting strategies are some targets pointed in this study for intervention. Parents' styles and strategies training to better manage children might be even more important to avoid negative consequences for children in stressful times.

COVID-19 , Problem Behavior , Sleep Wake Disorders , Brazil/epidemiology , COVID-19/epidemiology , Child , Humans , Pandemics , Parenting/psychology , Parents/psychology , Screen Time , Sleep Wake Disorders/epidemiology
Revista de Psiquiatria Clinica ; 48(1):12-15, 2021.
Article in English | Scopus | ID: covidwho-1282759


Background: The Brief Symptoms Inventory is a valid and reliable instrument, and one of the most often used tools to assess mental health. Despite its translation to Brazilian Portuguese, there are no normative parameters for interpretation of its scores. Objective: This study provides a normative parameter for interpretation of the performance of a large sample of adults by using a version of BSI adapted to Brazilian Portuguese. Method: We assessed 2127 adults (57% female) from all of the Brazilian regions. Normative data and Internal consistencies and performance data were calculated for the general score index and the nine factors. Results: The associations between gender and BSI scores present a significant effect size. Therefore, we provided a percentile rank parameter for the different BSI subscores, considering the whole sample and gender division. Internal consistency varies from omega equal .87 – .98 and alpha equal .86-.98, which suggests that both GSI and the nine factors have excellent reliability. Discussion: Our results support the use of the Brazilian adaptation of BSI in different regions of the country to measure mental health and its specific factors. During the pandemic of COVID-19, the establishment of normative parameters is of utmost relevance. The stability of the parameters reported here should be addressed in future studies. © 2021, UNIV SAOPAULO. All rights reserved.

HOLOS ; 36(8):1-23, 2020.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-1063532


ABSTRACT Several studies on the pathophysiological and epidemiological characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 indicate the extracorporeal viability of the virus and the possibility of faecal-oral transmission through contaminated natural water and wastewater' suggesting a potential risk of spreading in socially vulnerable areas' such as the Brazilian Amazon' where access to sanitation and health services is lacking. [...]an attempt we made to outline an overview of sanitation in the Brazilian Amazon and its possible impacts on the most vulnerable populations and on the health system in a pandemic situation' based on bibliographic and documentary review and exploratory analysis of data related to basic sanitation and health. The absence or insufficiency of sanitation services, especially with regard to the promotion of drinking water supply and the collection and adequate treatment of sanitary sewers, directly affects the health of the population, increasing the spread of viral, bacterial and parasitic diseases, especially in urban and periurban areas, where these services are even more precarious or simply non-existent. In addition to being an important indicator of a country's level of development, sanitation is an indispensable aspect of health promotion, especially in reducing hospitalizations and mortality from infectious diseases, notably those related to water and excreta. [...]this study aims to analyse the situation of access to drinking water supply and sewage collection in the Amazon region, presenting an overview of basic sanitation in a pandemic scenario of COVID-19 and the possible risk of transmission of the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) through contaminated natural water and wastewater. 2 MATERIAL AND METHODS This study starts initially from a literature review that, according to Gil (2008), makes use of materials already published, mainly scientific articles. With the exponential increase in the number of cases, the World Health Organization declared, on January 30, 2020, the Chinese outbreak as a Public Health Emergency of International Interest, with high risk for countries with vulnerable health systems.

Non-conventional | Jul | ID: covidwho-1299362


The present study investigates the association between the self-reported diagnosis of noncommunicable disease (NCD) and the adherence to social distancing and the use of health services during the COVID-19 pandemic. This was a cross-sectional study with Brazilian adults who participated in the ConVid- Behavior Survey, conducted online between April 24 and May 24, 2020(n = 45.161). This studyconsidered the following NCDs: diabetes, hypertension, respiratory disease, heart disease, and cancer, and evaluated the use of health services and the adherence to social distancing, as well as estimated the prevalences and adjusted prevalence ratio (aPR);33,9% (95% CI: 32,5-35,3) referred to one or more NCD. Individuals with NCDsshowed a greater adherence to intense social distancing (aPR: 1,07;95% CI: 1,03-1,11), sought out health services more often (aPR:1,24;95% CI:1,11-1,38), and found greater difficultyin scheduling doctor's appointments (aPR:1.52;95% CI 1,35-1,71), receiving healthcare treatment (APR:1,50;95% CI:1,22-1,84) and medication (APR:2,17;95% CI:1,77-2,67), and performing examinations (APR:1,78;95% CI:1,50-2,10) and scheduled interventions (APR:1,65;95% CI:1,16-2,34). The presence of NCDs was associated with social distancing, seeking out health care, and difficulty in using health services.

Non-conventional | WHO COVID | ID: covidwho-1262559


OBJECTIVE: To analyze changes in the lifestyles of Brazilian adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic. METHODS: Cross-sectional study carried out with adolescents who participated in the survey "ConVid Adolescentes - Pesquisa de Comportamentos". The indicators related to lifestyles before and during the COVID-19 pandemic were evaluated: consumption of healthy and unhealthy foods, physical activity and sedentary behavior, smoking and consumption of alcohol. Prevalence and 95% confidence intervals were calculated for the total population and according to sex and age group. RESULTS: A total of 9,470 adolescents participated in the study. During the period of social distancing, there was an increase in the prevalence of vegetables consumption (from 27.34 to 30.5%), frozen foods (from 13.26 to 17.3%), chocolates and sweets (from 48.58 to 52.51%), and time in front of screens (from 44.57 to 70.15%). On the other hand, there was a decrease in the practice of physical activity (from 28.70 to 15.74%) and in the consumption of alcohol (from 17.72 to 12.77%). Differences were observed according to sex and age group. CONCLUSION: The results show changes in the lifestyle of adolescents and an increase in health risk behaviors.

Non-conventional | WHO COVID | ID: covidwho-1183702


Social distancing measures adopted in various countries to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic can lead to unwanted effects on their populations' health and behaviors. This study aimed to investigate smoking behavior in the Brazilian adult population during the COVID-19 pandemic and analyze factors associated with the increase in cigarette consumption. An online survey was performed, and the final sample included 45,160 individuals. The study used post-stratification weights and calculated crude prevalence ratios (PR) and adjusted by sex, age, and schooling, and respective 95% confidence intervals (95%CI). Poisson regression models with robust variance were applied to analyze associations between increased cigarette consumption and sociodemographic variables and adherence to social distancing, quality of sleep, state of mind, and changes in work and earnings. Prevalence of smokers was 12% (95%CI: 11.1-12.9), 34% of whom reported an increase in cigarette consumption. The increase was greater among women (PR = 1.27;95%CI: 1.01-1.59) and individuals with incomplete secondary schooling (PR = 1.35;95%CI: 1.02-1.79). The increase in cigarette consumption was associated with worse quality of sleep, feeling isolated from family members or sad, depressed, or anxious, loss of earnings, and worse self-rated health. Health promotion strategies, smoking prevention, and encouragement for smoking cessation, as well as mental health interventions, should be continued and reinforced in the context of social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic.

adult |article |Brazilian |cigarette smoking |controlled study |coronavirus disease 2019 |encouragement |female |health promotion |health status |human |major clinical study |male |middle aged |pandemic |prevalence ratio |smoking cessation |smoking habit |smoking prevention |social distancing |social isolation ; 2021(Cadernos de Saude Publica)
Article in English | WHO COVID | ID: covidwho-1883751


Social distancing measures adopted in various countries to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic can lead to unwanted effects on their populations’ health and behaviors. This study aimed to investigate smoking behavior in the Brazilian adult population during the COVID-19 pandemic and analyze factors associated with the increase in cigarette consumption. An online survey was performed, and the final sample included 45,160 individuals. The study used post-stratification weights and calculated crude prevalence ratios (PR) and adjusted by sex, age, and schooling, and respective 95% confidence intervals (95%CI). Poisson regression models with robust variance were applied to analyze associations between increased cigarette consumption and sociodemographic variables and adherence to social distancing, quality of sleep, state of mind, and changes in work and earnings. Prevalence of smokers was 12% (95%CI: 11.1-12.9), 34% of whom reported an increase in cigarette consumption. The increase was greater among women (PR = 1.27;95%CI: 1.01-1.59) and individuals with incomplete secondary schooling (PR = 1.35;95%CI: 1.02-1.79). The increase in cigarette consumption was associated with worse quality of sleep, feeling isolated from family members or sad, depressed, or anxious, loss of earnings, and worse self-rated health. Health promotion strategies, smoking prevention, and encouragement for smoking cessation, as well as mental health interventions, should be continued and reinforced in the context of social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Adiposity |Adolescent |Body composition |Body temperature regulation ; 2022(Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria e Desempenho Humano)
Article in English | WHO COVID | ID: covidwho-2140995


Infrared thermography (IRT) has been used to assess skin temperature (Tsk), especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, as an important tool in medical screening not only of the general population, but also of young athletes. However, the subcutaneous adipose tissue can act as an insulator when the Tsk is assessed by IRT, modifying the normal Tsk data and leading to their misinterpretation. Considering that the body mass index (BMI) is an important predictor of obesity, the objective of this study was to verify if the Tsk measured by IRT is affected by the BMI in adolescents. A preliminary study was carried out being four participants intentionally selected, all 16 years old, each one classified in a different BMI range according to the criteria of the World Health Organization for the adolescent population: underweight, healthy weight, overweight and obesity. Four thermograms of each participant were recorded and the ThermoHuman® software was used to evaluate 82 regions of interest (ROI), which were integrated into 6 body regions. Using healthy weight subjects as a reference, it was found a progressive reduction in Tsk in all ROI compared to overweight and obese participants, with emphasis on the anterior region of the trunk (3.04% and 6.69% less respectively), and an increase in the Tsk of all body regions for the underweight subject. There are indications that BMI can influence the Tsk value in adolescents and should be taken into account when analyzing thermograms for a correct evaluation of thermal normality. © 2022, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. All rights reserved.